For nodosities in the sinews, the ashes of a viper's head are applied, with oil of cyprus;[1] or else earth-worms, with honey. Pains in the sinews should be treated with an application of grease; the body of a dead amphisbæna, worn as an amulet; vulture's grease, dried with the crop of the bird and beaten up with stale hog's lard; or else ashes of the head of a horned owl, taken in honied wine with a lily root-that is, if we believe what the magicians tell us. For contractions of the sinews, the flesh of ring-doves is very good, dried and taken with the food: and for spasmodic affections, the ashes of a hedge-hog or weasel are used. A serpent's slough, attached to the patient's body in a piece of bull's hide, is a preventive of spasms: and the dried liver of a kite, taken in doses of three oboli, in three cyathi of hydromel, is a preservative against opisthotony.

1. See B. xii. c. 51.